Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Unemployed + Girl issues + JP Morgan Banks= No Money!

let's start my day, i woke up real early today after getting up twice, i heard my mom washing dishes, i went back to sleep than woke up an hour later 7 somethin am, i shower, leave and head out approx: 9:03am, arrive on the highway not too much choas of traffic like any other typical new york day, but normal to my knowledge.

Get closer to FedEx which is a hole in the wall because you would miss it if you didnt know it was there, first off they dont have an address on the map so mapquest wont help!..I'm like the 3rd person being waited i finally meet *Mike* whoo hoo so he asks me do i have my driver license and do i remember what was said last week, of course i do!..he signs me on a computer where i type in my info, he ask for my resume i give it to him, he wanted phone number preferences so he tells me to write on my resume! huh? moving on---->

So in like 15 minutes later a group of people who are looking for the job as well comes in, he talks to them in the back, than he ask me when im done to go get him, but *Mike* was never found...ugh. Moments later he comes back checks my info than fills in my gap history, next step i go into the orientation rm and fill out some paperwork, I-9 forms,etc Now mind you i never got interviewed and neither did the pack of people who walked in, all he had us do was fill out paperwork and told us we would start seasonal, to my knowledge EVERY JOB INTERVIEWS APPLICANTS FIRST! so it made it seem like you were hired before you can start, which is odd...smh so mad >:o

I hope i didnt waste my time at FedEx they seem to get people into believe they want you, but also i feel like their selective on drivers. I need money so i can get a CDL license because he may not hire me or interview me, shit UPS is smarter than that! aleast you do a minnie tour and they explain to you the process and than they interview you, also i think he took the group to the back and explain to them the job i didnt get that though..*Sigh* *Mikey* why?

Girls Issues Yes i have them my girlfriend is moody and very bougy which is (stuck up in english terms) she doesnt make my stress level better by her selfish ways, but she kinda helps me when i need help, she just give me attitude or reminds me to pay her back! wtf? i sometimes feel unhappy with & without her sound crazy??
her favorite thing to say "Sucks for you" & "that's not my problem" is annoying and on top of that she claims i annoy her!! she's a Sag what do i expect smh their all diffcult ppl.

JP Morgan Chase fuckin retards pend my debit transactions who does that!! why would a debit card which i pay by debit entering my pin number get a pending hold?? WamU never did that, because Debit works like cash, if i credit it, than i would get a pending hold, but not for a debit transaction now im overdrawn 4 times!!! im leaving CHASE and switch to Capital One, Chase can kiss my A**.


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