Friday, July 24, 2009

ok its friday.....

what in the world is goin on? this has been the wackiest Summer of my life! first i get suspended from my damn job! for stupid reasons*Sigh*<----long story. Afterwards, my cousin gave me a direct number to FedEx for the driver position, which i know my muscle tendons wont handle but i gotta act quick were in a recession(Great Depression) so therefore, i must do what i need to do! anyway i spoke to one of the recruiting managers named *Mike* (which is cliche) over the phone he explains what i will do and what time to come in. *Mike* told me 10am i arrive @ the job 9:34am he wasn't in, figures...but wait it gets worse, a lady at the front desk told me he'll be in @ 10am so i said "OK I'll walk around" I even called the front desk at 9:55am she said he wasn't there YET! hmmm OK something told me the guy *Mike* wouldn't be in, so of course she said @ 10:05am he wasn't gonna be in until next week (tuesday) Wow huge gap of days to 'supposedly' interview me. *sigh* so i guess i'll wait until that day, nothin else to do with my time, besides havin bitch problems with my gf......Pariz

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