Sunday, May 23, 2010

When Do Senseless Violence End..Or is that a cliche?

On a Friday Night there was a BBQ party on my block, playin non-stop reggae all i could think of is im DONE with hood parties because things NEVER EVER go right, whether its beef or haters something aint all good in da hood! of course i was right my mom told me there was a big argument outside in front of my house a big crowd of ppl..than all u hear was POW POW..screams, screeting..than to my knowledge im thinkin ok my neighbor had an argument with a girl who didnt like him jealousy maybe? and his friend tried to defend him..& that was the reason shots were fired but is that right? mom witness everything btw..but she couldnt identified who was shot. After getting off work on my way home talking on the phone to Alana the misses. She tells me it was my brother/my friend Christian Jeffreys!! i started to ball, while im still on the phone SMFH! as of now he is ok according to doctors,family..Although to me that isnt good enough because he doesnt deserve it!
Chris is a college degree,smart,happy,blue collar workman,about something good-man. Who respects everyone, so why was he shot? He told the girls to lower their voice because his grandparents were sleeping, & his baby brother was being attacked so in his right mind he react to protection..thats something i would had done, In my vision Chris is a real nigga & i pray he gets well..god be with him...

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