Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Studs who fail finding the right woman & flaws they face

First off all, I'm a Ag or Stud according to LGBTDICTIONARY.COM. But i knew that already, since i was 19. Furthermore, my brainstorm has kicked in and i finally found the solution to all my fellow Stud Brothers failures on getting that "special someone". And the mistakes we make to accomplish them. Here's my opinion:

Q)Is there a such thing as being TOO "picky"?(i.e. i want a fem who's good-looking,knows how to cook,roll a blunt,let me be in control 24/7,have her hair done all the time,have a Banging body,Fatass,Wears Heels,has goals,not darker than me,Intelligent,ETC!)

A:"My suggestion to you, in what real world do you find a woman who has all the qualities you want?..Second, what do have to offer her that makes you stand out? What can you bring forth to the table? Are you like the type of woman she looks for in a Stud? Are you good-looking? lol..But seriously Stud-Brothers were taking this "picky" shit too far, we dont even Know the real question we should ask like Is she crazy? Is she a stalker? Do she have Ex issues? Have Babies all over the world? Is she Bi-Sexual? All these should come in mind when trying to find that "special someone" I don't care if shorty's a 10 or 20 find out more about her, because even "Hot chicks,have ticks" Lol just alil jokey joke i had to add!..dont steal my shit lol!
Anyway yes Hot Girls are crazy too, Why? Because they hot and people love them, AND they're people too! noones perfect we all have flaws and issues, but the real question is do you let a Hot Chick steal your heart away and fuck it up? No because us studs don't want that to happen we must be more smart about our "Preferences" Because a "Preference" is a 'Choice' so therefore you can also 'choose' NOT to be PICKY so choose wisely. Love is blind we see glitter and nothin shining on the inside, Studs are lesbian females we have a trait of woman, so therefore our nature allows us to be prone to attraction of beauty. If we see a girl who fit our "Description of an idol woman" We tend to ignore the signs of a potential heartbreak that Hot Chick may cause. This bad habit that females carry can be crucial, so think before you act.

Q:A Stud only dates Femmes because they want to feel more masculine in the relationship and feel like they're a man?

A:WRONG! no we don't but i will admit we do have a gender-bender role. OK well some do! but me i did at one point felt like a 'man' only because i had identity disorder, although i never gave up on how i feel towards the "fems" I'm still passionately all for them. I do indeed, feel as though other people should give Studs more credit we do all the hard work, "A Studlife is a Hardknock Life" just like Studology101 Quoted.

Q:Studs who cant find the 'right girl' maybe because their still in love with their previous Ex.

A:Yup, if you find yourself not wanting to pursue a relationship or not putting any effort in making one, 9 out of 10 your not over your X. My advice get counselling it always help to contact your local Gay Centers, google it. Or talk to a close friend or create a hobby that keeps your mind occupied, otherwise man up and keep your dating game active.

Q:OK me and my girl been together for 5 years now,but i cheated on her twice were now on a 'split' were not dating anyone or socializing with the friends we had, she says she still love me but she needs her time alone i promised her i wont do it again, but she assist we need to work things out and give each other space for a while, what can i do regain my trust for her, and not be accuse of cheating again?

A:This goes out to the Ags,Doms,Studs,Transman,Butches,gay boys,fems if your in this situation plz plzzz. Give yourself Space and devotion to yourself because their is something in you that allow yourself to act on cheating more than once, and it can't be cured overnight i dont care if you FEDEX it lol, this shit is a disease homie that needs to end. If your a committed 'cheater' your not going to stop cheating, you just need help in that flaw, noones perfect we all have issues and addictions. But to let it take over you and hurt the one you truly 'love' can cause you to fail in the rundown. Write down somethings that cause you to cheat, what details occur? do you analogize the girl/boy your with to the one you see/or want? And if so why cheat? why not end it to save you from "damaged trust"
"ITS BETTER TO HAVE A HEARTBREAK THAN TO BE THE VICTIM OF DECIEVEFULNESS" Because if that lover doesnt trust you 9 out of 10 they never will, remember "It takes alot to build trust,and only seconds to destroy it"
What made you stop socializing with your friends? Did they cause the break-up with he say she say? If so, that's a start, next a 'split' can be long-term or short, or just end with a newfounding relationship. Splits dont last really and they shouldn't its not fair someone 'new' has to be in the middle of your Bullshit ya kno? So be responsible for your actions your an adult Man-UP!